Program Association Table

PAT Version Number: 0
Transport Stream ID: 1 (0x0001)
NIT: 800.0 MHz

PMT PID 16 (0x0010) - Network
PMT PID 181 (0x00b5) - Program 31 VTV

Program Map Table(s)

Network PMT Entry - carried on PID 16 (0x0010)
Program Number: 31 VTV
PCR PID: 4097

Stream Type: 0x1b H.264 Video PID 4097 (0x1001)
H.264 Video: Resolution 720 x 576 Interlaced: 1
H.264 Video: Framerate: 50.00 Aspect Ratio: 16:11
AFD descriptor: 1000 (Active format is the same as the coded frame)
Descriptor: AVC video Descriptor

Stream Type: 0x03 MPEG-1 Audio PID 281 (0x0119)
MPEG1 Audio: Bitrate 192 Kbps Sample Rate 48 KHz
MPEG1 Audio: Layer II Mode Stereo
Descriptor: ISO639 Language Descriptor

Network Information Table

Network ID: 3294 (0x0cde)
Transport Stream ID: 1 (0x0001)
Original Network ID: 8897 (0x22c1) Version: 0
Descriptor: Network Name Descriptor
DVB-T Frequency 800.000 MHz
Bandwidth: 8 MHz Constellation: QPSK
Hierarchy: non-hierarchical, native interleaver Guard Interval 1/4
Code Rate: 1/2
Current Network: True
Descriptor: Service List Descriptor
Service: 31 (VTV) H.264/AVC SD digital television service

Service Description Table

SDT Channel 31
Service Name: VTV
Transport Stream ID: 1 (0x0001) 800.0 MHz

Original Network ID: 8897 (0x22c1)

MPEG-2 Statistics

TableSections ProcessedCRC Errors

Continuity errors: 0
TEI errors: 0
Calculated multiplex rate: 14929428 bps

General Information

Source: Transport Stream File
Tuner: Terrestrial (EUR) 586 03...
Signal: File Read: 100.0%
Network Type: DVB
Run Time: 000:00:15

PID Usage Chart

0 (0.11% ~ 0.02 Mbps)
0 MPEG-2 Program Assocation Table
16 (0.00% ~ 0.00 Mbps)
16 DVB Network Information Table
17 (0.01% ~ 0.00 Mbps)
17 DVB Service Definition Table
18 (0.02% ~ 0.00 Mbps)
18 DVB Event Information Table
20 (0.00% ~ 0.00 Mbps)
20 DVB Time Definition and Offset Tables
21 (0.02% ~ 0.00 Mbps)
21 DVB Network Synchronization
181 (0.11% ~ 0.02 Mbps)
181 MPEG-2 PMT for program 31
281 (1.36% ~ 0.20 Mbps)
281 MPEG-1 Audio for program 31
4097 (30.88% - 4.61 Mbps)
4097 H.264 Video for program 31
8191 (67.50% ~ 10.08 Mbps)
8191 MPEG-2 NULL Packet